Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our Walk Through London on Sunny Saturday

Our family explored London five years ago on our way to Ghana, West Africa. At that time, we took a on-off bus tour of the city. Today, we explored the city on foot. It was delightful! We walked through the Palace Guard Grounds, into St. James Park to Buckingham Palace and then onward to Westminster Abbey, past Big Ben, across the Thames where we tried to buy a ticket for the London Eye but the lines were to long so we gave up. We'll do the London Eye during a weekday.

This morning (Sunday) we went to church at Holy Trinity Brompton where Nicky Gumbel is the Vicar. Nicky Gumbel started the Alpha Course which 15 million people in the US have taken. John and I partner with Jim and Barb Blechl to lead Alpha for Chinese graduate students for 12 weeks every spring semester.

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