Sunday, November 14, 2010

Guy Fawkes Neighborhood Event on November 7

All of London broke out in parties and the skies erupted with fireworks in honor of this man who lived between 1570 and 1606, named Guy Fawkes. He belonged to a group of provincial English Catholics who planned the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

Fawkes was born in York. He converted to Catholicisim and left for the continent and fought in the Eighty Years' War on the side of Catholic Spain against the Protestant Dutch reformers. Later Fawkes met Roberet Catesby and together they planned to assassinate King James I and restore a Catholic monarch to the throne. The plotters leased and an underground tunnel beneath the House of Lords and Fawkes was put in charge of the gunpowder. The English authorities received an anonymous letter and search Westminster Palace on November 5 and found Fawkes guarding the explosives.

Fawkes became synonymous with the Gunpowder Plot, which has been commemorated in England since November 5 1605. On this day every year in Britain people gather around bonfires and set off fireworks. We were invited to a neighborhood fireworks event by a friend of a friend.

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